“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, August 31, 2007


As I sit contemplating on what my first post would be, i think back on the reason this blog was created in the first place. It was simply because i wanted to write. Recently I have been exploring Montgomery's style and it is pure magic that he has created with words. The 'Anne of Green Gables' series has entranced me more than what Harry Potter has. Simple words that have beautifully conjured the whole village of Avonlea, its people and tales and more importantly, these words have created Anne - the thoughtful, young, freckle faced, red-headed girl whose adventures touch the heart of the reader.

I have always been fascinated by words ever since we had a chapter in english in the sixth or seventh standard on Khalil Gibran. Short excerpts published from his books led me into a whole new realm of awakening. It was a kind of revolution in me that fuelled my passion for the language and i was in love with the play with words.

Words I realized are intensely powerful and the beauty of them is that they are available to everyone. The same words which embody the greatest masterpieces of literature. Words can ignite every emotion we are capable of feeling. It can simply make us smile or laugh out loud, empathise with another or weep at our own sorrow, inspire us to try harder or create a blissful world in which we are perfectly happy the way we are. It is something i can find solace in, spurs me to face challenges. It makes my spirit soar...!
I remember a phrase by Victor Hugo.

"There is a prospect greater than the sea, and it is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul.”

Indeed its those people who have learnt the effective use of this magic tool, who have shaped humanity. Its through their writings that even today we continue to be amazed at the profound insight that people have had. Every individual has his/ her own ideas , concepts that the mind gives birth to based on different situations it is exposed to. And when such thoughts are shared and vicariously experienced by others do we come across this fabulously perplexing but enchantingly bewitching field of philosophy. What use would there be if thoughts were to remain stagnant within the brains of people, live with them, grow with then and eventually die with them!

Here I am reminded of my best friend. Honestly she is the most lively, spirited individual I have come across and the truest friend. Life is beautiful because of her. But all my assiduous efforts to coax her into reading, to explore and experience the beauty of words have been in vain. She is reluctant to read a book unless it comes to academics. But i cannot bear to have my best friend losing out on one of the greatest joys in life. I hope this post does something to change her mind ;)


  1. vicariously experiencing ...enchantingly bewitching..... Omi Gosh.. and you call it simplicity.. ;)
