“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Monday, March 31, 2008


People should stop expecting things. Stop hoping ardently for something to happen. Quit eagerly awaiting anything in life. Why??? Because if that certain thing doesn't happen...it would leave you disappointed.

Disappointment is commensurate with Expectation. The higher the expectation the greater the disappointment. You expect someone to call and if he doesn't you become miserable. You expect people to be honest with you and if they aren't then you start doubting yourself. You feel let down by people you consider friends. Its not their fault, its merely a reflection of your own self. You expected a lot and when that expectation was not fulfilled, naturally disappointment would rush in. Expectation kills joy...no doubt about that. But further still.. expectation multiplies disappointment!

Wouldnt it be wonderful to live a life without expectations. I would expect nothing of any person in my life. If some thing good happens..then that would be splendid.. I would rejoice over that. But if something doesn't go well..there would be no disappointment because i had never expected anything out of it. However it turns out to be is exactly the way it was meant to be all along.

I am not hereby being a proponent of Fatalism. Fate I believe is crap!! All along in life, every second.. every moment I alone make the decisions in my life. My life is exactly what i made of it and I refuse to hold some unseen external force the scapegoat for it. Some people call this tremendously mighty source of unseen power as 'God' But even God doesn't coerce the Human will! Thats it. The Human will!! Its your will that lets you make decisions.

What i had meant was that the consequences of things when pre decided by you makes you prejudiced towards it. Like in the beginning of every relationship if i pre-decide that its gonna work out..i would naturally be prejudiced to that opinion and if it doesn't turn out as expected then misery would befall me and i would wallow in sighs of chagrin.

So all this brings me back to my goal in life. Happiness!!! The formula is simple.
"The lesser the sorrow, the greater the Joy :) "
So let me stop expecting and start living... sounds cliched??? aargh...i blame it on lack of good reading... :P

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