“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A cat's tale..

I have met a lot of dog lovers. Ofcourse it is easy to love a dog. Who wouldn't love a creature who always gets excited to see you even when you are your most disheveled self, who without any hesitation will stick to your side whether you be right or wrong, who will hang around whining for ur attention all day long, perk his ear and cock his head sideways the moment you make the slightest movement and basically consider you to be the best person ever to set foot on earth.

Yes, I love dogs too.

But i have always liked cats better!

Cats have style. They are not attention seekers like dogs. They have their pride, will not run around you wagging their tails and tongue. They are dignified creatures who expect respect.

I had a pet cat some time back - Sonu. Her name albeit didn't suit her personality. Sonu had all the majesty of a queen, her walk was graceful, her posture most magnificient, she had feline royalty in her blood - the 'well bredness' which comes to us humans only by careful cultivation.

Often sitting on my window sill, she would look around with disdain at the goofiness of street dogs, an air of superiority of her race about her. Whenever I used to enter a room she is in, she would raise a salutatory head at me, acknowledging my presence and then revert back to her task. She would never drink milk which had even a slight amount of water mixed in it, and would throw me a questioning glance and walk away as if miffed at my impertinence of offering her sub-standard food.

But whenever she needed cuddling, she would turn into the cutest furball, bounce onto my lap, and dig her nails into my dress and purr contentedly. She had very innovative styles of sleeping, but during casual naps would lie on her side, legs neatly stretched out as if reclining in her royal bed chamber.

She could be playful at times, and has spent hours disentangling herself from a ball of yarn which she had managed to rope around her. Anything from a bottle cap to my stuffed teddy were objects of amusement and feigned adversaries to her.

She was very much like us humans, friendly to those who were nice to her and dislikeful of her foes. Never a boot licker, always maintaining her self respect.

Some one who understands a cat as a selfish creature would be quite wrong. Cats are loving too, they may not have the faithfulness of dogs, but faithfulness is not in their nature, we cannot blame someone for what they are not created to be.

Cats are interesting, funny and cute creatures. Very lovable too. It wasn't merely that I spent almost a month crying intermittently when I lost Sonu.

It is now one of my most pleasant memories. The kind of nostalgic memory which always bring forth images of golden sunlit days and carefree wanderings.
