“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cake Talk!

Here's a literal, non circuitous title to this post...Cakes talking... !

Which cakes?? well, the ones i have tried baking.

Were they good?? Thats not the point here ("and yep they were" adds the narcissistic baker :D)

What do they talk? That's the rest of the discussion.

(Now with the above questonaire succesfully answered it'll help me stick to my original idea of the post.. lest i go wandering onto something else :D)

Off late.. i have acquired the habit of baking cakes.
Cakes baked without any reason just on a whim.. and of different kinds - chocolate, lemon, carrot and even a coconut cake!
The feeling of seeing the batter rise in the oven and turning into a delicacy is awesome. I love to bake fresh cakes and parcel them off hot to my neighbours , friends, aunts, uncles or whoever happens to come home that day..
Initially while i was still in the stage of perfecting this culinary skill... a few interesting cakes materialised..

Cake no. 1

Mishap: The first cake that i baked had a fluffy 'left half' and a soggy right half..
Reason for mishap: Baking powder wasn't evenly mixed with the flour, Resulting in over concentration of the leavening agent on one side of the cake.
My Interpretation: One must strive for excellence in every aspect of life. Directing all our skills into enhancing just only a part of our being is not wise. We humans come as a total package. Being too vain about external appearances and disregarding the inner appearance of one's soul is foolish. So is concentrating too much on the inner self and intellectual and projecting a foppish sight to the world a crime. Let the inspiration for success permeate our entire being. Half risen cakes cannot be shared with anyone. They neither taste good nor look good.

Cake no. 2

With the earlier experience in mind, i tried again..this time sifting the flour well with the baking powder.
Mishap: A cake with a centre dip
Reason for mishap: Mysterious! No idea.
What happened: While i conveyed the news of the weird 'U shaped' cake to Renu... she simply loved it.. "A cake with a dip in the middle!!!! wow.. now all the chocolate frosting will be in the centre...mmm.. lovely!!!" Now that i have learnt to make proper cakes, renu still insists on the ones with a dip in the centre..

Lesson learnt: No matter how u r.. there will always be someone who loves you and adores you. And so should we be when we judge others.. focus on the best and beautiful qualities in people.. The rest really isn't that important.. endeavor always to make life worth living.. no one is perfect..but each person is endowed with fascinating qualities that can outshine the imperfections.

Cake no. 3:

Mishap: Glazed Lemon cake.. with too much of lemon zest in it.
Reason for mishap: Underestimating the power of lemon zest.
How it came about: I had delicious little lemon cakes at my aunt's place and simply loved the whiff of lemon in a cake.
Lesson learnt: Even the best of things when in excess spoils it. My pathetic attept at mallu reiteration of my mom " Amruthavum adhikam aaya..adh vesham aanu" Finally , learnt this lesson first hand.

Cake no: 4

Mishap: None! A perfect cake, nice and fluffy, smelled great..tasted wonderful.
Lesson: Practice does make you perfect :)



  1. good cake making lessons....

  2. Nice metaphorical post - cakes and people, it does get philosophical though, but i believe that was the point :)
    Good one!
    Bdw, which sort of cake am I?

  3. m eagerly waiting to eat d cake with a dipping at d centre ............ so when do i come to ur place ;)

  4. @ Bhadra
    Thanks :)

    @ Renu
    Anytime dear.. we'll bake a cake together :)

  5. Miss Baker....

    Hey God even a sweet cake cannot escape from philosophical thoughts..


  6. @ Rmex
    "hey God!!!!"
    itna american mat ban...[:P]
