“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lemme Dance Tonight!

Another day is drawing to an end.

Another beautiful day which even in these ebbing hours is echoing with the mirth of the laughter of my friends... of songs sung by a crazy bunch of twenty and something year olds who should never venture to do so in front of an audience, unless it's of six close friends who will join in perfect cacophony and yet continue till each has contributed a benevolent share in the discord... A day of cakes and celebrations... of claps and hugs...

I am beset with such inner radiance tonight that the moonlight filtering through the glass panes of my room feel far pale in comparison. Yep it might sound hyperbolic.. but there is something wonderful about this day , this moment. I really cannot explain the reason for such an enigmatic bliss... maybe its because of the bonding with my family and relatives.. or maybe because of the company of such wonderful friends.. or maybe I just want to be happy... whatever it be.. I am soo totally in love with life today...

With each ticking of the clock, my hold on today is releasing like water cupped in my hands trickling from between my fingers. But I don't hold too tight, I just let it flow. I am ecstatic about a new day to call today. I hope for even more laughter, even more love. I hope for spending more time with my family. I hope for newer friends. I hope for seeing more of this gorgeous world we live in...
Rereading this post i feel that it might seem whimsical to the reader, but i needed to scribble this down... you just can't help it when your heart starts dancing :)



  1. Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives!

    On a Saturday night several weeks ago, this pastor was working late, and decided to call his wife before he left for home. It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife didn't answer the phone. The pastor let it ring many times. He thought it was odd that she didn't answer, but decided to wrap up a few things and try again in a few minutes.

    When he tried again she answered right away. He asked her why she hadn't answered before, and she said that it hadn't rung at their house. They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways.

    The following Monday, the pastor received a call at the church office, which was the phone that he'd used that Saturday night. The man that he spoke with wanted to know why he'd called on Saturday night. The pastor couldn't figure out what the man was talking about. Then the man said, "It rang and rang, but I didn't answer."

    The pastor remembered the mishap and apologized for disturbing him, explaining that he'd intended to call his wife.

    The man said, "That's OK. Let me tell you my story.

    "You see, I was planning to commit suicide on Saturday night, but before I did, I prayed, 'God if you're there, and you don't want me to do this, give me a sign now.'

    "At that point my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID, and it said, 'Almighty God'. I was afraid to answer!"

    The reason why it showed on the man's caller ID that the call came from "Almighty God" is because the church that the pastor attends is called Almighty God Tabernacle!

  2. @ bob
    a story kindled by divine influence...
    thanks for sharing it :)
