“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Thursday, June 12, 2014

On the Misuse of Time

Instant gratification is a word that that crops up everywhere these days. Most of us are all slaves to it. What do we do when we get bored? Switch on the TV and watch a movie? Switch on the laptop and watch repeated reruns of a sitcom? Keep checking updates on facebook every five minutes ? Online gaming ?

Well, I won't claim that I know what everyone else does, but this is exactly what I do. There are studies that prove that such behavior works to decrease our intelligence. Not only is it swallowing time which could have been employed at better activities like work or exercise, but instant pleasure makes our brain idle for prolonged periods of time and too much idling is not healthy for the brain just as it is not for the body.

I know for a fact that the number of books that I used to read per month has drastically reduced after the easy availability of sitcoms and movies. In the earlier days, before electricity and its consorting inventions became a necessity in our lives, people had to work for entertainment. There were no instant movies that could be played at the switch of a button. People back then used to rehearse and stage plays in their house. This process not only used up their spare time but also honed their creativity. There were no fancy gadgets back then that played music, instead, if one was fond of music, one had to learn to play an instrument. Other amusements included taking long walks which was healthy for both the mind and the body, reading books or engaging in some sport.

One can now argue that all these activities are still possible. Of course you could read a book anytime you want. But the point I make here is that given a choice between watching a sitcom and opening a book, most people would choose the former. Why? Because it gives us pleasure instantly, it magically dispels boredom and time would seem to be running on wheels as we go from episode to episode.

On reflection, I am struck by how much time I waste each day. The truly great are the ones who have made the most of time. The sign of a genius they say is - Productivity - Geniuses churn out volumes of output. In other words they are utilizing their time very well indeed. It doesn't mean that you have got to work all day. Breaks are good and so are recreational activities, for example Einstein had great love for music. But what we need to make sure is that we don't overdo anything that is not helping us get ahead in life.

It is easy to write a few hundred words on using time effectively but to employ it in real life is a difficult task. There are several 'time management techniques' on the Internet, but to apply them requires practice and a lot of determination.

The simplest technique I have developed for myself is:

1) 'Switch off' the distraction. Be it a movie, a sitcom or a game. Switch it off. If you are addicted to facebook, delete your account or if you can't do something as irreverent as that, slot your facebook visits. Limit the number of times you are allowed to go on social networking sites.

2) If you are bored, pick up some activity that you enjoy (Obviously, not the instant gratification ones). For example, I like writing. So when I am bored, I write, anything that I can think of. Sometimes it turns out good, sometimes not. Never mind. At the very least it will contribute to your Malcolm hours. (Click here to find out more about Malcolm hours.)

3) Call up a friend. Call your old school friend who you always wanted to call, but never had the time. This works. Loneliness often times gets us to engage in time killing activities. Talking to a person you like generates positivity and if it happens to be an inspiring person, all the better.

These are practical tips, I have consciously employed to use my time better. I hope this helps someone.

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