“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, August 31, 2007

Things I like

I like long walks in the evening surrounded by close friends.

I like drinking coffee... coffee always cheers me up :)

I like sitting up at night and thinking over everything that has happened during the day.. over things that have made me happy and things that have made me even happier...

I like looking at the stars, feeling the cool breeze caressing my face and wondering at the expanse of the sky.

I like eating ice creams.. lots of it.. especially the ones that come in boxes so that i can dig the spoon deep into it.

I like eating chocolates too.. pure chocolate..without nuts in them.

I like sleeping the whole day with the tv switched on during vacations.

I like watching 'Discovery Travel and Living' and imagining myself on exotic journeys.

I like feeling exhausted after a long day of study..it gives me a great sense of satisfaction of time well used.

I like the sea during the night and watching huge waves breaking up on the rocks and the roar of the ocean...it makes me awe at the might of nature.

I like simplicity in people. It makes them very wonderful companions.

I like the howling of the wind.

I like keeping books organised. They always look better that way.

I like to laugh. Sometimes i dont feel like laughing but then i force myself into laughing and somehow everything soon really does seem very funny.

I like soft music, mainly jazz. Music exalts my mind.

I like solitude.. not always.. but it gives me time to reflect.

I like to apologise when i realize i have done something wrong.

I like getting gifts.. even small ones.. it's the thought that counts.

I like getting pampered by everyone when I fall sick.

I like talking with close friends.. friends are the best things in my life.

I like school reunions.

I like speaking up when someone does something wrong.

I like horses.. they are such magnificient creatures.

I like singing to myself.

I like dancing when nobody is watching.

I like waking up in the morning and feeling the freshness and the enthusiasm of a new day.

I like it when people smile :)



  1. U r the perfect mirror image of me.

  2. Nice way to Look at the life...

    Lookin life in a positive way...

    Keep Smiling...

    I like whn u Smile...

    and Do study satisfaction is the best to thing to get..

