“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Random Thoughts and Random Issues - Product of a frustrated mind that wasn’t appeased with 'Almond Fudge' ice cream today..hmph..

Issue 1: Calvin and Hobbes

Alrite, why aren’t people I know appreciating the humor in this strip. It’s not just subtle humor…it’s the hit in your face kind of humor , the ROFL kinda humor, the ‘wow…this boy is simply amazing’ kind of humor ... Obviously, Calvin is a 6 year old Genius, a child prodigy if I may and Hobbes is his faithful companion in sickness n health and, in joy and sorrow, in laughter and tears…. that is till the washing machine does them apart. And then Hobbes comes out all clean and squeaky and pulls his tongue at Calvin, who has d uncanny ability to remain dirty at all times.
Alrite now this isn’t some review on C&H… just a mockery on those people who dont possess whaddya say a whit of intelligence to appreciate this strip.
There have been four people whom I have tried to introduce this cartoon strip to.
Let’s call them Mic, Hel, Ang and Elo

Jolly: hey read this strip …its kinda amazing
Mic: sure
Jolly: (after a while) so whaddya think?
Mic: Think of what????
Jolly: *#@ $@#$@#(*$!!!

Hel : “So what are you upto?”
Jolly: excitedly “Been reading a hilarious cartoon strip of this boy genius, haven’t seen such a refreshing change in cartoon ….”
Hel:” hmmm”
Jolly: “ Calvin is this self proclaimed ‘Boy of Destiny’ whose mission at times is to save the world with help from his alter egos, Spaceman Spiff and Stupendous Man”
Hel: “hmmm”
Jolly:” And Hobbes is his faithful sidekick who… “ goes on…
Hel: “hmmm “
Jolly: “I tell you Hel, its brilliant…shall I lend you a copy?”
Hel:” Wanna watch Sarkar Raj today?”
Jolly: “Performs a ‘Her foot striking Hel’s cheek stunt –full Karate style’
Hel staggers and falls backward, implores for mercy and promises to be all ears in the future.

Self reflection 1: Obviously the part of Jolly’s brain that conjures a chimerically absurd imagination is still vibrant and ticking...

And Ms. Impatience Personified can’t bear to go ahead with the chronicles of Ang and Elo. Its left open to the Imagination of the reluctant readers, who so very much didn’t wanna read this post but was poked into doing so to avoid her highness’s feisty temperament…

Self reflection 2: Impatience Personified and Me??????? Lemme get hold of that lil fish who had the nerve to call me so…!!!!

Issue 2: Her Highness is seemingly bothered.

Alrite I have been noticing that I begin quite a many sentence with ‘Alrite’ and it isn’t even spelled right.
Alrite, so no more using Alrites any more... phew!
Gosh online chatting has seriously hampered my spellings and punctuations.. two maxims my primary school English teachers tried hard to knock into me and had been pretty happy with the result. They had produced a perfect spelling champion…sigh.. only if we had a Spelling Bee contest in Mumbai.. (Yup, I do boast , bear with it! ) And all those days of poring over Wren n Martin to perfect my grammar… puuffff… its all gone now..!
So instead of wasting more time typing in junk that keeps getting more ludicrous by the moment.. lemme go read something that’ll help me clear the CAT or atleast the GRE…

So long then.. Adieus… and for those people who have reached this point in the post without skipping the hundred odd lines in the middle… DO LEAVE A COMMENT!



  1. My expressions while radin it

    Start :- Wats this all abt

    Middle :- Wat the ...

    End :- Simply :)

    Ur amazing...

  2. Her Highness its perfectly alrite to spell alrite incorrectly as its a result of "a frustrated mind"...well would surely treat u wit "almond fudge" d next time ;)... as far as others appreciation is concerned...reading ur post on expectations....d first line says it all.....as i hav successfully commented ;)...Adieus....hope da comment seems perfectly 'alrite' to 'her highness' :P.... :)

  3. lolz.. Her highness is thrilled at the comment...more specifically at the benevolent offer of almond fudge..
    yaa n she does have some expectations of d ice cream materializing soon :P

  4. ya - I cannot appreciate the humor in this script .....

  5. hey - check out my first blog :-D


