“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rhapsodies of Dawn

The morning found me gazing up with delight at d expanse of the gray skies.
I had woken up when it was still too early for morning activites.. resisting the urge to fall back on the bed, I tip-toed to my balcony - the coziest little niche at home..

My balcony is an abode for potted plants of poignant roses n shoeflowers which bear handsome yellow n red flowers... Birds namely pigeons, sparrows n mynahs land on the marbled floor on hot summer days to savor d water overflowing from d plants and have spirited warbles chronicling the events of the day.. until they spot me peeping from in between d curtains...
The interleaving of yellow, red n green hues at one corner..n d twittering of birds gives this corner a charming ambience.

From atop the balcony on the right one can see the main road leading to the railway station...on the left is a vast stretch of road that ends at a dense cluster of shrubbery which separates the tarred roads from the blue skies...
THAT is my Sunrise point...

If one is determined enough to awake in d early hours of morning even before the milkman rings the doorbell..then the spectacle from atop here is one to behold..

The deep red aura of the rising sun forms an ethereal backdrop for a gulmohar tree,which in the given season stands ripe with flaming orange flowers..

The cool morning air, the resplendence of the rising sun, the fiery youth of the gulmohar and the warble of hundreds of birds just awoken.. when beheld by a young girl who's imagination is distinguished for exponentiating every myriad form of beauty that has made acquaintance with her to a splendour thousand times more glorious than meets the eye... stands utterly awed!!


  1. did you say in that last paragraph that all those things stood awed at YOU !!!!

  2. there...its better now... thanks for d careful scrutiny :)
