“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Rain is here !

It finally Rained...yipeeee ..i just luhv d rains!!!!!!!

Alright..now that was yesterday. At around 8 in the night..when i was struggling wid Robotics..trying to cram up equations and link diagrams.
I was kinda dizzy...there was lots left to revise and then revise once again..damn robotics was soo confusin (thankfully am done with it)

And it was then that i heard it..there was no mistaking..the sound of rainfall - the very first rainfall of the season...aaah!

I absolutely adore the rain.. in fact am one of those people who will walk through it rather than run..
I love watching the sodden clouds approach nearer... I love listening to the thrum of rain drops agains the glass panes... I love curling up on the sofa and sipping coffee on dark rainy afternoons... I love watching it drench the streets and leaves with sweet water..heavens satiatin the parched earth... I love the freshness and bounce of Life that rains brings!

There is something amazing about that sound, that smell..it brings back memories of my school days..The first day of school, clad in new uniform n bag n ofcourse d bright new umbrella..it always rained on the first day of school. We would come back home jumping in every puddle of water on the way..

alrite breaking away from the delves of nostalgia...I shall narrate the scene i witnessed from atop my balcony...

There were all sorts of people on the street below. People returning home after a tiring hot day, mothers out with their kids, kids navigating their cycles thru d busy street, more kids playing in the complex, a couple strolling lost in their thoughts...

And then it poured all of a sudden and not just a gentle drizzle...there was lightning n thunder..ferocity..strong winds.. a spectacular fanfare to welcome the Rains..
The kids added in with shouts of glee. Many came out to their balconies with stretched hands like mine...to feel the first crystal drops of rain..

i just wished that i could be out in the rains then..cool cool droplets trickling down me !

The young couple ran to a nearby shelter..d girl pulled her dupatta over their head..dat flimsy material of the dupatta cud do nothing to save them from the rain..but what more a romantic setting could they have wished for..the two of them all wet under a dupatta..heavenly manna showering from d skies ;)

It rained continously and furiously.. while i sat lost in my own thoughts of chances of a deluge on the next day..train services being interrupted and exams getting CANCELLED!

However There was no flood, trains were not interrupted and the exams DID take place...so much for my hyper active imagination !

But as i returned from college today... one wish was nevertheless granted.. I came home totally drenched.. enjoying d kissing of rain drops every step towards home.. yup i have an enchanting love affair with the rain.. Thank you God for this wonder :)


  1. Nice One...
    You made me Imagine the happy the Kids...

    The beauty of rain drops on the leaves.

    And Once again taken back to the memories whn we used to fish the small fishes with the towel and keep it in a Horlickz Jar....
    Keep it Up..

  2. well in Kerala..its much more beautiful than here.. all hues of foliage sparkling with a smattering of raindrops.. its brilliant to venture out on a drive with the glass rolled down :)

    small fish in a jar...hehe.. dat reminds me of a scene from Taare Zameen Par..i used to sail lil paper boats in puddles of water :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. sure did put a smile on my face looking thru the blog
