“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, May 30, 2008

College magazine...the Saga continues!!

Not another one please..... Not yet another one of those rip offs!!! I mean how many articles can we search on Google and exclaim, "Phew, This one is lifted off the Net too!!" Having been in the magazine committee for two years now, I have seen sort of a pattern in its working.

It all begins when the publicity committee of the 'Iris' Magazine ventures on its yearly announcement routine, calling upon the talented writers and poets of the college to bedazzle us with their creativity and innovation. The 'Iris' magazine accepts almost everything ranging from poems and stories to spoofs, jokes and puzzles. But the only criteria we maintain is that the articles have got to be 'Original'.

Now there are many of the opinion that articles from the Internet, just appear there by chance and that no one has ever written them. They just appear out of thin air...Presto!... scores of words just arrange themselves randomly to form some of the best articles I have read.

Or they might agree with the theory that millions of monkeys typing away on a million keyboards can actually produce the complete works of Shakespeare! Whatever it be, we keep getting a number of articles every year all adroitly lifted off the Internet and submitted under the category of 'Original Articles'.

The 'original' articles soon start pouring in, chiefly in the form of poems. Now since no one in this committee has successfully read and memorized every single poem on the Internet, we really do not detect this fraud at first. These articles go through various stages of selection and approval by our editors... while we are left gaping at the literary genius of our classmates who have written such brilliant articles that even our wonderful editors take a beating.

Soon these poems reach the final stage of compilation and having pushed aside all the inferior articles authored by our not so 'ingeniously' gifted colleagues, are just moments away from gaining abode in our prestigious magazine when someone feels that he has read this poem before. Cats start meowing and scratching in the bag.

It can't be, some argue. Confused and a little scared since the deadline is drawing dangerously near, we approach Uncle Google. Five seconds and the entire poem flashes on the screen. We are shocked. This particular person had submitted two poems. We try the next. Lo and behold, there it is same till the last word. Finally after much struggling, scratching and biting, the cat is out of the bag!

Then starts a saga of checking each article for its authenticity. The poems are easily caught, but not so with the other articles. Some of them slip by, landing in the magazine and if any of you alert readers have ever caught one, profound apologies are offered by the Magazine Committee and thou art given total freedom to kick the author of that article where ever thou wisheth. However the Magazine committee shall not be held responsible for any untoward incident ;)

It is my earnest request to anyone frm my college who reads this that if you think you belong to Shakespeare's lineage or if you are just divinely inspired to give an article for the next year's magazine then puhleeeez - 'Stay Off the Net'. Just go pick up a pen or a damn keyboard for that matter and use your head to write something. Or if you have a million monkeys at your command you just know what to do. If you still can't come up with something good, you can write some rubbish similar to what you have just read. Whatever it is... let it be something 'Original'.


  1. Dear Editor, you may please consider the possibility of a collective conscious in action here! This age, which is focussed so much on intellectual property rights, doesn't give due credit to a universal mind from which the authors might get inspired or even produce amazingly similar word-sentence combinations ;p

    Am not advocating plagiaris, but inviting you to think in another angle :) When Leibnitz and Newton discovered ( or invented) calculus almost simultaneously did anyone say it was lifted! When Buddha said a neat 500 years before christ, " Consider others as yourself ", and Christ just modified it to " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you " was it been touted as a travesty or lifted.

    Apparently, your CAT author just envisioned IRIS to be adorned with an attractive article. Is that despicable ? Is that contemptible ? Shouldn't the intention be welcomed , rather than his hard-copied stuff hurtling for a painful kissing of the bin bottom.

    Random Scribblers quaint musings :)

  2. A collective conscious and an Universal mind, Christ n Budhha advocating the same principles, facets of the Universally applicable truths and Mathematical laws..indeed 'IRIS' isn't so bigoted as to oppose all forms of psychic parallelisms :)

    But consider a humble example.. The four disciples of Jesus: Mathew,Mark ,Luke nJohn.. havin lived with Jesus together, standing testimony to his miracles all inspired by the same Divine spirit to document their experience with Christ... shouldnt we be then reading four photocopies of the Holy Gospels today!

    'Ideas' can be analogous...all drawn from the same repository of Cosmic wisdom. But wot would you call if the 'expression' of those ideas are clothed in strikingly similar words and intertwined in the same grammatical and lingusitic semantics...wot kinda divine or cosmic intervention could possibly cause so refined a process of Inspiration that it results in literal transcribing of expressivity.

    Therefore our fervent appreciation of Human Intellect and Cosmic Conscious is mingled with an academic contempt for ruthless plagiarism and blundering of one's own and the reader's intelligence in the process...and efforts by concientious commentators to broaden our thinking, though very welcome, falls on extremely deaf ears ;)

    The writer remains very respectfully (yet equally adamantly) Anti-Plagiarist ;P

  3. Hey buddy ...
    really very good blog....

    The style of your writing is too good...

    Best Wishes
