“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life at Infy

It’s been more than a month in Mysore now. Life is very different now than it used to be back home. The perks of independent living that I had fantasized about don’t seem to exist in real life in the same degree.

I missed my brother’s engagement in Pune. I had two days to be at home for the wedding . I hardly got to know my sis in law. I miss my family, I miss mom. Food I disliked at home have now become delicacies here. The winters here are colder than at back home. Solitary night walks back to the hostel on days when friends are too busy, make me feel lonelier.

It’s not that life is bleak or cheerless. There are fun stuff to do too. But I have been wondering whether it’s worth staying away from home.

After nearly a month of going to a Catholic church and attending English mass on Sundays, I finally found an Orthodox church yesterday and attended the Malayalam mass. Had a very spiritually invigorating experience in Church. Maybe it just felt good to be a part of something that reminded me of home. Somehow the English mass didn’t work with me.

There are three more months to go in Mysore. Training is pretty easy. We do like complaining of long working hours, but that’s because we spend much of the time before 5 playing games and chatting.

Blogging is difficult here. Infy has blocked all our sites and many proxies too. We gotta find newer ones, which they eventually will block too.

I guess that since I have chosen to do this, I might as well do it with a smile. Maybe I could make good use of the free movies on the weekends and the various games and sports Infy has organized. A change of attitude would definitely work for the good.



  1. Certainly life at infy aint tat exciting but it does make a difference on our attitude and wit all the luxuries n fun at infy .... i would like to add tat Infy Rocks!!!

  2. Oh my god - god bless the Infosians....

  3. its Info'scions' wherein scion means descendant..
    so that translates into: "Descendants of Infosys" :D

  4. Jally,

    Finally I found something from you...

    I thought u stopped blogin...

    Felt bad u missed ur bro's engagement..

    Waise " natooon poril ninum raksha pettalloooooo"

