“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was. If you can get so that you can give that to people, then you are a writer.”

Friday, January 9, 2009

Beauty is all around me :)

When I first entered the Mysore campus at Infosys, I was stunned at the beauty all around me. The magnificent buildings, I had only seen on the Internet, the lush green lawns, the pink bougainvilleas grazing the hostel walls, multicolored arrays of leaves, bright flowers peeking from in between velvety sheets of green grass, wide roads and a calm aura pervading the atmosphere. Blissful, beautiful surroundings.

As I sit writing this, I realize with a mix of both joy and surprise that I have been here for more than 3 months now. Surprise at the quick passage of time. With every tick of the clock, Time surges ahead, both through good days and bad. It’s a very funny thing about time, when I stand at the threshold of a new month, it seems long and winding. But when I glance back at the bygone days they seem but a mere breath of time. Was to be here but gone soon before I know it. There is also the joy that with three months done, the training here is soon going to end and hopefully I’ll be posted in Pune, nearer to my lovely hometown.

The reason for this post is that over these 3 months, all the beauty of this place gradually began fading before my eyes. Each day as I walked to and fro the GEC and my hostel with images of assignments and projects floating around my mind, every art of nature lost its charm, soon nothing around me was beautiful.

I forgot that I was actually living in a place, I had dreamt of being in for nearly a year.
Yesterday, I received a mail, a winding road lying admist brilliant orange foliage. I gazed at it struck by its spectacular beauty and wished that I were there – walking.. moving, existing in that paradisiacal Eden..

But then again what if once I get there, I lose delight in my paradise. What if life’s responsibilities and duties blind my eye to these rapturous visions of nature. What kind of sad dilemma would I be in! I would keep dreaming of bliss and on attainment of that bliss, I would inure myself to it. All the beauty of the world would over time be just a mundane landscape. A frightening thought!!

I mulled over this before writing this post and here’s what I realized.
Beauty is all around us, each day, everywhere. There is beauty in nature; there is beauty in the people all around us. There is beauty in what we say, there is beauty in what we do. All we gotta do is at times pause in between our daily chores and remind ourselves of it. Beauty or for that matter happiness or love is not to be sought at distant places, its right where we are. It you don’t find it here, chances are that you’ll never find it elsewhere. It comes to us in various forms often touching us in ways we don’t realize until at some time in a moment of retrospection your eye opens to it and you realize how blessed you have been all along. And such times may just inspire you to spread that beauty around you.



  1. Thought provoking one...

    But I feel change is always thr and you will find new new things which are beautiful.

    And of course a life time is not enough to completely enjoy the beauty of creations of GOD.

    Now plunge into the beauty of the world and immerse yourself with out thinking abt the future...

    Note:-- Seems you too entered the Rat Race... [;)]

  2. I just chanced upon your blog...have to say this - Brilliant !! A moment springs to mind - It was 4 AM in the morning and my weary, sleep deprived self was cramming like crazy for the dreaded Anantomy viva's. I was cursing the stars and everything under them for the sordid mess that I was in and then just to let in some fresh air I opened my windows..and in flowed this sweet rush of clean, cool morning air and almost at the same moment I could hear the birds start twittering up in their little nests. It just struck me right then that life's always really very simple and beautiful. Only thing is we guys go around so fast and so very oblivious to everything that we end missing out on alost all the important things...just some thoughts... :-)

    PS:I guess you know my brother-Arun TJ.(heard him talk of u guys going to church together on sundays...)

  3. Hey Amal, am glad u took the time out to share ur thoughts :)

    Yep, Arun is my friend, he had once told me abt ur blog (and had quite ardently praised ur literary skills :)) but he cudnt quite remember d link.

    Wud be great if u cud mail me d link to jollyjac@gmail.com

    Lookin forward to reading ur blog..

  4. Isnt it interesting to note that 'finding beauty' is an inner game, ever more, 'finding happiness' is Only and inner game :)
    4 months later, and 3 blogs unread, i punched my nose onto this blog today, little was I expecting that i would be swept off by this 'thought swirl'. Let me go get my writing board :)
